
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How many people does it take to feed a newborn?

Evidently at our house it takes one mommy and two big brothers....
Mostly it's okay, but sometimes the boys fight over who's "turn" it is. And then things get a little wild and Mom has to break it up and take a "turn" all by herself so that Jakers gets fed! Jax is pretty good at it; he knows how to hold the bottle steady and he always asks, "Does he need a burp yet Mom?" Hayden mostly likes to help because Jax is helping, but he gets distracted pretty easily and then the bottle falls out. Hayden does better when Jax isn't around to fight over it with.
So far, both boys are adjusting fairly well to having Jake at home. I wasn't really worried about Jaxton adjusting; with him I was more worried about him being "overly helpful" and trying to pick Jake up by himself or change him, but so far he's been really good. I was really worried that Hayden would have a hard time not being the baby any more. I'm sure there's going to be bumps in the road, but so far, Hayden is pretty good. As previously documented, he likes to help feed Jake and he likes to give him his binkie and he'll run to get a diaper or a blanket, which of course he fights with Jaxton over! He even does pretty good with being "soft" with baby. He likes to come over and give Jake a kiss on the head and the he gets so excited and he'll point and say to whoever is around "Baby!"
So, second "normal" day at home things are going okay. I feel pretty good; sometimes too good! I start in on doing laundry or cleaning stuff up and then realize I'm hurting. Last night I went for a walk (just down the street a couple blocks) and I got so frustrated that I was winded and hurting. Shane had to remind me that although I'm not pregnant any more, I did have surgery less than a week ago! And I can't overdo because then I'll really be down and unable to function. So, we agreed that I will do what I can, but when I get tired or start to feel sore, I stop and rest. Laundry will get done, the house will get cleaned, the little "projects" I want to get done while I'm home will get done, but it doesn't all need to be done this instant. It's more important that I'm okay and the boys are all taken care of!
All in all, things are good, even the waking up at 2 or 4 in the morning to feed and rock my sweet son.
Love you all!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jake's first night at home

It's so wonderful to be home! Jake did so good last night! He went to bed at around midnight and slept until 4am! A quick bottle and diaper change and he went right back to sleep until 8:30. Right now he's snoozing on his blankie just as content as can be.
So far Hayden's been okay with having a new baby in the house. He likes to come right up to the baby and say "Hi baby" and he wants to help with everything. He likes to get diapers and wipes and Jake's binkie. He's very eager! Jax is coming home later today, so we'll see how that changes the dynamic, but for right now, it's nice to be home!
I feel pretty good today; not too much pain and I'm not very tired either. Thankfully, Jakers let me sleep pretty well last night! Tomorrow will be the real challenge when Shane goes to work, but I think we're going to be just fine :D
Talk to you all then!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baby Jake at 1 day old

Here we are, second night in the hospital and both Mommy and baby are feeling great! Today brought lots of visitors which was fun! The Grandmas brought the boys over tonight for a visit and it was so good to see them! I know that sometimes they drive me nuts, but I was really missing my boys today!
Baby Jake is amazing! He's eating really well and hasn't been really fussy at all. We're still trying to decide who he looks like, but it's hard to say. He's built a lot like Jax, but he pulls a lot of Hayden faces! Guess we'll just have to wait and see....
Anyways, here's some new pictures of him from today; you guys tell me, who does he look like?

Love you all!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pictures of Jacob

Baby is here!

Good morning my friends! It's almost been half a day for me at this point! Baby boy made his debut at 7:46am today, weighing 9 lbs 8 oz and measuring 19.5 inches. Both mother and baby are doing VERY well! Right now Daddy is in the nursery giving him his first bath and I'm just settled into my bed; comfy, content, a little sleepy, but already in love with my newest son. After a little back and forth chattering and spending a few minutes alone with my son, we've decided to name him Jacob David Adams. Jacob after Shane's grandfather, David after my great-grandfather. It really seems to fit him and we're already calling him Baby Jake.

I promise to post pictures later on today :D But for now, know that all is well and good! Love you all!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Build A Bear

We did this before when I was pregnant with Hayden, and it was so fun that we had to do it again! We took the boys to Build A Bear so that they could pick out a teddy bear for their new baby brother! I admit, Jax was much more into it than Hayden, but he had a good time too, as you can see from the pictures!

Jaxton pushing the foot pedal to stuff Baby's bear

Checking to make sure he's stuffed just the right amount!

Hug test from Hayden...teddy bear passed!

Afterward, Jax insisted that teddy bear needed a bath before we got his clothes on him and Hayden agreed!
We got him all stuffed and clean and Jax decided that teddy bear needed to have "doctor clothes" just like the ones that they have to wear to the hospital. A fun night and now we're down to just one more night! I can hardly believe it, but at the same time, I feel like we've been waiting for April 22nd FOREVER! Anyways, keep checkin on us on Wednesday! We're scheduled for 7am and have to be to the hospital at 5:30am Wednesday morning, for goodness sakes! Won't it be fun to get four kids up at that hour for the drive???
Good night kids, love you all!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's really spring!

Hello my friends! Here it is, Sunday and it's been a gorgeous spring weekend. Yesterday was a busy day, but fun (mostly). Shane's aunt took a bad fall this week and she's in the hospital. We went to visit her and took the kids. She's okay, but it's going to take a lot of time for her to be back to normal. So, we're sending good thoughts to her.

Before we went to the hospital it was Jax's first t-ball game! Now, I LOVE t-ball; it's a riot and the kids are just so cute! Jax's team is the Zebras (how funny is that! The kids picked the name) and they have the bright slime green shirts, as Jaxton calls them. They play on the fields behind the Olympic Oval out in Kearns.

It was about what you could expect for t-ball; all the kids run to wherever the ball is, nobody remembers to run to first base after they hit; sometimes the kid hitting the ball would then chase the ball into the outfield. It was a scream! The weather wasn't too bad, a little windy, a little crisp, but nice.

Jax loves t-ball, he gets right out there, hits the ball, he chases the ball. It's so fun to see!

It was pretty interesting to sit there at the ballpark. It hit me when a plane flew over head on its way to SL International that I've spent a lot of Saturdays, in Salt Lake, at a ballpark, with the planes flying overhead. Sometimes it was blistering hot, sometimes it was very cold, but it was always fun! It just seemed to me an odd sort of symmtery that as child I watched my dad at the ballpark and now I'm 31 years old and I'm still at the ballpark on a Saturday with planes flying low overhead and now I'm watching my son play ball. Ever since we've moved here, both Dad and I have been struck with the fact that he spent the first part of his life within blocks of where I'm raising my family now. Sometimes it's a strange old life.
Anyhow, that's what we did yesterday. Obviously, there's no baby news and at this point I don't expect anything to happen until Wednesday, right on schedule! So, my blogger friends, make sure you check in with us Wednesday morning! I promise to update and post pictures as soon as I can. Until then, enjoy this gorgeous weather and get outside! Love you all!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another uncomfortable night

Hello friends! Yes, here I am. NO, I'm not in the hospital, no baby yet! Unfortunately, I really, really think that I'm going to make it all the way until next Wednesday, April 22nd. It's not so bad, usually. Tonight I've been really uncomfortable and I was really tired today. Baby Boy is moving a lot and he's running out of room! It kinda feels like he's head-butting just under my right rib cage. Oh well, it can't last forever! By this time NEXT Wednesday we'll be at the hospital, hopefully sleeping, baby safe in the nursery and Mommy tucked into bed and MUCH more comfy.
It has been nice being off work, though. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my job and I miss being there with all my good friends (and I'm not just saying that because you guys read this blog!) and I miss taking care of people. But I didn't realize how much I needed this time just to be. I can sleep in (somewhat), I can putter around the house when I need to and just make sure everything's ready to bring baby home.
Yesterday was kind of a runaround day; me and Hayden went to Nephi and had lunch at Gramma Phyllis's, went to the doctor (why, I don't know, she tells me the same things every time I see her) and I was so tired when we got home. It was fun to only have Hayden with me. Hayden was so cute with Gramma Julie and the rest of the family. Today it was nice to not really have a lot to do; just putter. Boy, it's seemed like a long week though. I know it's dragging on because I'm just waiting for next Wednesday, but I can't help it!
Anywho, you guys all know I'll keep you posted :D

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday night musings...

Hello friends! Here I am, first day off work and I have to admit, it was WONDERFUL! I'm sorry, all my work friends; I do miss you fiercely, but it was so nice to sleep in this morning, have a nap this afternoon and just putter around the house in between!

I think sometime over the weekend Baby Boy has shifted his position. I noticed it Sunday morning when I got up, that he didn't seem as high as before. I've certainly been a little more comfortable the last couple days. And I've had to pee more! Maybe he has dropped! I thought about that yesterday, so today I did lots of last minute things so that JUST in case I do happen to go into labor, I'm ready. The only thing I haven't done is pack overnight bags for the boys; but that's on my list of chores for tomorrow!

Tomorrow I go see my doctor, too. For the last time! If I don't go into labor before, at least at this point I only have 9 days left! I don't know if it's being off work or the baby shifting position or a combination of both, but I really feel a lot better today than I've felt in many days.

Now I'm just relaxin', watchin' the Jazz on the TiVo, and playing on my laptop. It's been a good day and it was a good weekend :D Easter egg hunting in Nephi, a BBQ on the patio and watching the final round of the Masters on TV. Now if only the Jazz can pull off a victory......

Friday, April 10, 2009

Nick Adenhart

I am sad today. Yesterday morning, Nick Adenhart, pitcher for the Angels and formerly of the Salt Lake Bees, died in surgery after being in a car accident Wednesday night involving a drunk driver. Full story here:;_ylt=Aral13PErg1V0tyxXs0sT2Spu7YF?slug=ap-angels-pitcherkilled&prov=ap&type=lgns

Nick was a nice guy. Last year he was one of 6 Bees players who participated in "Day out with the Bees" for the Knothole Club. He was right there with the kids, talking to them and helping them throw the ball.

He had a lot of potential and a lot of life left to live; instead, a man driving with a suspended license due to a PREVIOUS DUI conviction chose to drive drunk again and killed three young people in the prime of their lives. Such a waste....

Good-bye Nick. Thank you for the memories. You will be missed....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Blogging on a Friday

Well, here it is, 11pm on a Friday night and I'm my pajamas...........blogging. It's hard not to feel really old! Mostly I think I'm just really tired, but I remember what it was like when 11pm on a Friday night was primetime. Things were just getting exciting at 11pm on a Friday! And now, 11pm on a Friday is the end of the day, end of the work week.

Anyways, enough wallowing. Not much is going on; baby is still growing and growing, but staying put. I go to the doctor again on Tuesday and we'll see what's happening, but I'm betting on nothing. I'm ready for the little peanut to arrive, but I know he'll get here when he's ready. For now, he's just content with stretching and kicking and getting the hiccups and making Mommy uncomfortable!

It's going to be a busy weekend, I think. I have a few things to do tomorrow and I want to start on my newest scrapbook project! My friend Deb at work showed me the cutest thing that her mom made for her little boy. It's an ABC book made with pictures of him and their family and it was so adorable that now I want to make one for my boys. I need to get birthday presents wrapped and then Sunday we're going to Nephi for Gram and Gramps' birthday.

Anywho, now it's 11:30 and I think I'm going to bed. I'm really tired! Good night friends :D